Effective illustrations can be very persuasive
Your grant proposal can be made very persuasive if you have an effective illustration somewhere at the beginning of the project description. It enables the reviewer to grasp everything you propose instantly. A schematic illustration should be colorful yet simple. Avoid too much text in the image, and make each subunit large. Make the figure legend explain the illustration further, so that everything is crystal clear, but avoid verbosity.
Here are two fictitious examples, a good one at the top, and a bad one below.
Good example:

Figure 1. Schematic view of the proposed project. Human heart muscle cells are extracted in Work Package 1, and mixed in a cooling liquid together with red rose extract prepared in Work Package 2. This enables visual analyses and identification of mean green viral particles in Work Package 3.
Bad example:

Figure 1. The Project. The Project is Very Important, and please give us the Money.