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LUCC Immunotherapy Theme - LITENING: Seminar

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From: 2025-02-25 09:00 to 12:00 Seminarium

Welcome to the first seminar arranged by LITENING - the LUCC Immunotherapy theme!

This seminar will focus on the clinical setting and novel therapies. We have the pleasure to present the following speakers:

Mats Jerkeman - Cellular Therapies for Lymphoma;  Novel technologies for improvement

Johan Bengzon - Clinical Perspectives of Glioblastoma and Novel Immunotherapies Under Development

Ana Caneiro - TBA

If you would like fika during the break, please sign up by 20th of Feb:

Om händelsen
From: 2025-02-25 09:00 to 12:00

Sharience, Medicon Village

kristina [dot] lundberg [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se