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Winners of Klinnovation 2016

– Publicerad den 30 June 2016

June 2nd, this years winners in the Bachlors project course 'Clinical innovation' were announced. The winners were Matilda Svensson and Frida Bengtsson with their project "Retinal nanowire implants for degenerative eye illnesses". Matilda and Frida have worked under supervision of Maria-Thereza Perez at the Division for Oftamology, at Lund University. Matilda and Frida say:

" - The purpose with our Bachelor's thesis project was to test different biomaterials that could be used as an eye implant with nanowires. Working in a new area has been very interesting and we really hope the nanowire implants can help people with impaired vision in the future."

The award for best thesis in Clinnical Innovation 2016 will give them 10 000 SEK from Lund University Innovation Systems. The money can be used to continue working with the project.

In addition to Matilda and Frida, another 28 third year Biomedical Engineering students presented their thesis projects. All students presented remarkable scientific projects, presentations and oppositions. The jury that was faced with the tough assignment of identifying the winner of the award consisted of Linus Wiebe, CEO of LU Innovation systems and Dr Thomas Jansson, at the Medical faculty, Lund University.